Google have teamed up with Levi’s to tackle the problem of small screens on wearable tech devices. This unlikely duo have begun an unusual but not unpredictable stage in the next level of wearables. To create clothes that function as an extension of your devices is the goal. Controlling your wearable tech through gestures, and expanding their interactivity capabilities by creating an interactive surface that is always in reach is right around the corner, as Project Jacquard will turn your clothes into a fully interactive surface. According to Project Jacquard this will be done by:
Using conductive yarns, bespoke touch and gesture-sensitive areas can be woven at precise locations, anywhere on the textile.
Alternatively, sensor grids can be woven throughout the textile, creating large, interactive surfaces.
Components that will connect to these conductive yarns have all been customised to be as discreet as possible, some chips being as small as the size of a jacket button. These custom components will interpret the gestures using intelligent machine-learning algorithms. Once processed, these interpreted gestures are wirelessly transmitted to your phone or watch to access apps, phone functions or web services; giving you instant access to your devices.

The potential opportunities here are endless as your imagination is literally the limit for what you would be able to incorporate into clothes. Extend existing apps functionality, offer the fashion industry a blank canvas to design upon, monitor health conditions and anything you can think of. As wary as I am of everything becoming integrated, I see this as potentially life saving for the sick, the adventurers and the elderly if the clothes can monitor your vitals and send out a distress signal should someone be in danger. I can’t wait to see this project come to fruition.